Electric surgery high frequency device "FOTEK". Model ONYX-A
The intelligent system ONYX-A opens a new generation of FOTEK electrosurgical devices equipped with a full range of modern cutting and coagulation modes, including argon plasma coagulation.
The convenient and intuitive user interface of the ONYX-A system simplifies and speeds up the setup process.
- touch control technology
- set of programs for each application field with preset recommended power values for each mode and instrument
- ability to create and save custom programs with personal setups
- 2 monopolar and 2 bipolar outputs with the ability to connect 4 instruments simultaneously, including 1 universal output that allows you to connect disposable ligating MEDTRONIC (COVIDIEN) instruments
- ability to programmatically bind footswitches to different outputs
- standard set of mono- and bipolar modes of cutting and coagulation
- improved CUT, FULGUR and BI-COAG modes
- argon plasma coagulation modes, including those with pulsed supply of an argon (FULGUR-PULSE and SPRAY-PULSE)
- set of specialized modes for various medical fields:
- endoscopic pulsating modes ENDO-KNIFE and ENDO-LOOP with alternating phases of cutting and coagulation
- monopolar and bipolar modes for working in the environment of medical solutions (application during TUR, hysteroresectoscopy, arthroscopy)
- bipolar coagulation mode BI-COAG-DISSECT with the possibility of tissue dissection
- modes of ligation of large vessels
The advanced capabilities of the device allow it to be used in various medical fields:
- general surgery
- oncology
- plastic surgery
- abdominal surgery
- neurosurgery
- cardiac surgery
- vascular surgery
- urology
- gynecology and obstetrics
- endoscopy
- laparoscopy
- thoracic surgery
- maxillofacial surgery
The system meets all the requirements of modern international standards.
CUT monopolar cutting without sparking and pronounced coagulation |
BLEND monopolar cutting with moderate sparking and thin layer of coagulation |
BLEND 1 monopolar cutting with strong sparking and with a pronounced layer of coagulation |
TUR monopolar cutting with coagulation in liquid media |
VAP monopolar vaporization, including in liquid media |
SOFT monopolar contact coagulation without sparking, carbonization and with a smooth increase in the thickness of the coagulated tissue up to 5 mm |
SOFT AUTO-STOP monopolar contact coagulation without sparking, without carbonization and with a smooth increase in the thickness of the coagulated tissue layer and automatic stop |
FORCE monopolar forced coagulation with strong spark generation and rapid formation of coagulated tissue layer |
FULGUR (without argon supply) monopolar forced non-contact coagulation with strong sparking, rapid formation of coagulated tissue layer and the possibility of contact cutting with pronounced coagulation |
SPRAY (without argon supply) monopolar non-contact coagulation with strong sparking and smooth increase in the thickness of the coagulated tissue layer |
FULGUR forced monopolar non-contact coagulation by an argon plasma torch with rapid formation of coagulated tissue layer up to 3 mm and the possibility of contact argon plasma cutting with pronounced coagulation |
SPRAY smooth monopolar non-contact coagulation by an argon plasma torch with a smooth increase in the thickness of coagulated tissue layer up to 3 mm |
FULGUR-PULSE-ARGON forced monopolar non-contact coagulation by an argon plasma torch with rapid formation of coagulated tissue layer and the possibility of contact argon plasma cutting with pronounced coagulation |
SPRAY-PULSE-ARGON smooth monopolar non-contact coagulation by an argon plasma torch with a smooth increase in the thickness of coagulated tissue layer |
ENDO-LOOP monopolar dissection with coagulation by high surface area endoscopic electrodes (sphincterotomes, Q-type knives, Triangle, IT-type) with alternating cutting and coagulation phases |
ENDO-KNIFE cutting with coagulation by endoscopic needle instruments (needle sphincterotomes, papillotomes, I- and L-type knives) with alternating cutting and coagulation phases |
BI-BLEND bipolar cutting with coagulation, mild sparking |
BI-COAG bipolar coagulation without sparking and tissue carbonization |
BI-COAG-DISSECT bipolar coagulation without sparking and carbonization, with the possibility of tissue dissection |
BI-AUTO-STOP bipolar coagulation without sparking with automatic stop of the high-frequency current supply to the instrument as the coagulation completed |
BI-AUTO-START/STOP bipolar coagulation without sparking with automatic start of the high-frequency current supply to the instrument when tissue is grasped and automatic stop when coagulation is completed
BI-TUR bipolar cutting with coagulation in liquid media by special instruments for bipolar resectoscopes |
BI-ARTHRO bipolar cutting with coagulation in liquid media with special instruments for arthroscopes |
BI-HYSTERO bipolar cutting with coagulation in liquid media with special instruments for hysteroresectoscopes |
THERMOSEAM high-frequency electrosurgical ligation of large vessels with automatic stop of the current supply to the instrument as ligation complete
The effect of "welding" blood vessels without their release from the tissues is achieved by automatically controlled radiofrequency coagulation of the arteries walls and veins together with the surrounding tissues, while simultaneously squeezing them with a special bipolar clamp, as a result, strong homogeneous collagen is formed. This allows you to achieve a complete and reliable tissues fusion.
- control buttons on the holders of monopolar electrodes
- single-pedal footswitch (only coagulation modes)
- double-pedal footswitch
- control button on ligating instruments